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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology

Overall Information about the Programme 

The Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology program is a four-semester higher education program. It will ensure the training of qualified personnel and the employment of the trained personnel in the sector to meet the need for qualified personnel for heating and cooling devices, and cold storage since our country's climate differs.



Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Program is an associate degree program that aims to train intermediate members. This education ensures sufficient knowledge in the sectors of heating, cooling, air conditioning, ventilation, and natural gas, equipped with the ability to apply their knowledge at a high level and constantly develop and renew themselves. Students who graduate from this program receive an associate degree titled "Air Conditioning-Refrigeration Technician." It aims to meet the need for qualified personnel with sufficient technical knowledge and practical skills among the technicians trained for this purpose, mechanical engineers, and qualified workers and technicians.

The education period within the associate degree program is two years and consists of 4 semesters. The courses are conducted on a semester basis, and at least 14 weeks of education are given each semester. It is compulsory to do an internship.

A total of 120 ECTS is completed in 2 years.

  1. Semester: 30 ECTS per week
  2. Semester: 30 ECTS per week
  3. Semester: 30 ECTS per week
  4. Semester: 30 ECTS per week

Students who have achieved the compulsory courses shown in the curriculum of the program they are enrolled in, elective courses, and internships to provide the total ECTS credits in the course plan and have raised their weighted grade point average, including DD and DC grades, to at least 2.00 are considered to have completed/completed their education.

For a student to graduate, completing 120 ECTS credits in associate degree programs with a two-year education period is obligatory.


Educational content

  • - Cooling Technologies
  • - Computer-Aided Design
  • - Cooling Service Operations
  • - Air Conditioning Cooling Electric
  • - Cooling Principles
  • - Individual and Central Air Conditioning Systems
  • - Commercial Cooling Systems
  • - Air Conditioning Refrigeration Laboratory
  • - Air Conditioning Systems
  • - Cooling System Design
  • - Preventive Maintenance and Failure
  • - Ventilation Systems
  • - Heating Systems
  • - System Analysis and Design
  • - Energy Management, Indoor Air Quality
  • - Quality, Assurance, and Standards
  • - Business Management, General and Technical Communication


Laboratory Infrastructure

Our program has an Applied Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Laboratory built with a budget of approximately 100.000 €. Our students have the opportunity to perform all kinds of cooling service operations and electrical applications on domestic/commercial/industrial education devices in the relevant laboratory.


Training Modules: 

  • Single-Phase Electric Training Module
  • Three-Phase Electric Training Module
  • Dry Cooler / Chiller training Training Module
  • VRV Air Conditioning System Training Module
  • Heat Recovery Air Handling Unit Training Module
  • Split Air Conditioning System Training Module
  • Industrial Type Cooler Training Module
  • Reyon Cooler Training Module
  • Domestic / Industrial Type Refrigerator Training Module
  • Ice Machine Training Module
  • Welding Assembly Training Module


Sections that can be passed with DGS

Students who graduate from the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Associate Degree Program are required to take the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS) conducted by the Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) to continue their undergraduate education in the 5th semester of formal education or open education undergraduate programs.

With the DGS exam score, they can transfer to the universities' Energy Systems Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Programs.


Job Opportunities and Working Areas of Graduates

Air conditioning-refrigeration technicians, various state institutions, factories or manufacturing plants, cold storage, shopping centers, nuclear facilities, extensive markets, their workplaces, technical services, factories producing cooling and heating systems, stores that sell cooling and heating systems, etc. can find the opportunity to work in places.


Achievements of Department:

"Mesleki Eğitime Endüstriyel Dokunuş," Western Mediterranean Development Agency (BAKA) Project- Vocational Education Development Financial Support Program, TR61/19/MESLEK/0041 (Project Budget: 896.212,89 TL) (2019-2021)

Tubitak 2209-A-Research Project Support Programme (2022), Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Non-Uniform Air Distribution on Device Performance in Heat Exchangers – Ali Haydar Sel / Ferman BİRGÜL / Şaban Alp / Danışman: Lec. Ergin Bayrak (Project Budget: 4000 TL)  

Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University Entrepreneurship Competition (2019): Innovative Heatsink Design for High-Performance Processors - Ali ESEN, Ahmet Sühan YILMAZ, İsmail YAPAR-Second Prize (3000 TL).


Students who passed with DGS:

Ali ESEN: Van Yüzüncü Yıl University / Department of Mechanical Engineering

Gökhan ELEMEN: Boğaziçi University / Department of Mechanical Engineering


Students who won Erasmus Mobility:

Hasret GÜNARA: Bialystok Instute of Technology / Poland (2021-2022 Spring)


Head of Department : Asst. Prof. Abdurrahman DALGIÇ

Program Coordinator: Lec. Hülya Ayla YILMAZ